Attributes which can be set per bone, these aren't required.
[Boolean] XAxisLocked - If this is true then the bone cannot move on the x axis relative to the root part.
[Boolean] YAxisLocked - If this is true then the bone cannot move on the y axis relative to the root part.
[Boolean] ZAxisLocked - If this is true then the bone cannot move on the z axis relative to the root part.
[NumberRange] XAxisLimits - The limit on which the bone can travel on the x axis relative to the root part, default is -inf, inf.
[NumberRange] YAxisLimits - The limit on which the bone can travel on the y axis relative to the root part, default is -inf, inf.
[NumberRange] ZAxisLimits - The limit on which the bone can travel on the z axis relative to the root part, default is -inf, inf.
[Number] Radius - The radius of the bone, default is 0.25.
[Number] RotationLimit - The maximum rotated offset a bone can be from its parent, default is 180°.
[Vector3] Force - Overrides the force attribute on the root object
[Vector3] Gravity - Overrides the gravity attribute on the root object